Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Starting the Academic Year Off Right

Guest Blogger Carolee Followill – National Academics Chairman

I can’t believe summer is over and it’s time to hit the books again. It is time to hit the books again and it is exciting to be back with your sisters and renewing friendships, but it is also important to start off on the right foot academically and have a successful semester.

To get a good start, get all your books and supplies. Don’t forget about Delta Zeta’s partnership with TextbookPartners.com for buying and selling textbooks. Visit their site and select Delta Zeta on the drop down menu to have your purchases support the Sorority. And once you have your books, be sure to read them.

Have you set goals for the semester? Ideas range from a GPA goal, to class attendance, project completion, study groups and many others. Be sure your goals are measurable and attainable. Once your goals are set, write down action steps to help you reach them.

Your most important tool for success is a well-used, accurate planner or calendar. Once you get the syllabus from your each of your professors, enter everything in your planner. Note when projects need to be started as well as their due dates. Don’t forget to note drop dates. Look at your planner/calendar every day because it doesn’t help if it isn’t utilized.

Go to class and don’t get behind. Ask questions and participate in class discussions. When you have a serious question, visit your professor during office hours and be sure to introduce yourself. Don’t assume he or she knows who you are. Your professors want you to succeed.

Every campus has excellent resources in learning centers, tutors, career counseling, etc. The professional staff of these offices can give you invaluable guidance. Your chapter academic chairman should be able to connect you to these resources and is herself a support for your academic goals.

Finally, arrive 5-10 minutes early for class and you’ll have your pick of places to sit. Chances are this will be where you sit all year. If you show up with less than 5 minutes to spare the best seats are sure to be taken and you may find yourself sitting in the back. Research shows that top academic achievers sit in the rows closest to the front of the room. So you don’t want to find yourself in the back! And by sitting in the front you might even meet someone else you can ask to be a study buddy.

Have a great semester!

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