Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Studying Abroad - 5 Easy Ways to Stay Connected With Sisters

Studying abroad can be life changing – experiencing a new country, culture, language, foods and people. While exhilarating, all these new experiences can be challenging. Yet sometimes the biggest challenge can be returning to campus and re-integrating into chapter life when both the chapter as well as the student who studied abroad have experienced so much while apart. That is why it is critical for both parties to stay connected throughout the semester.

Here are five easy ways for sisters to stay connected:
(1) Consider creating a DZ Metro Group. Groups allow you to upload photos, use an idea bank to share files, and ask questions of other members using the messaging feature. You can search for a group using the search feature in the top right. Or, you can find a list of active groups and groups you have joined in the groups container on your Metro page.

(2) Send a “Heart Attack” box with notes from chapter sisters. See our post in Pinterest. https://pinterest.com/pin/261349584596832247/
(3) For our sisters who are traveling out of the country – make connections with other Delta Zetas during the trip. Take pictures together and share them with Delta Zeta via Facebook or Twitter @DeltaZetaNatl. That way we can all share in your experiences! Amanda Jayko, an alumnae from Lambda Rho – Illinois State University collected Delta Zeta shirts during her travels while working on cruise ships and shared this photo of her quilt she made to remember.

(4) There are lots of free technologies to have a phone call/video conference to catch up – Skype, Google, etc. Check them out and then catch up!

(5) Keep your members traveling abroad or away from campus connected to everyday happenings in the chapter. Whether it’s posting regular updates to your chapter’s Facebook page, or sending monthly updates via email, those members not currently on campus will appreciate knowing what is happening with the chapter.

What other ideas do you have to keep your sisters connected to Delta Zeta during their time away?

1 comment:

  1. Delta Zeta alumnae living abroad are also organized into groups on every continent. If you are living abroad, please contact Heather Dichter, the Canadian Alumnae Chairman who also coordinates the overseas alumnae: dzalumnae.canada@gmail.com
