Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Delta Zeta Big Sis

I joined Delta Zeta because of a woman I knew in my freshman honors class, Kathleen. She was initiated her first semester freshman year and I remember hearing all about her experiences every time we went to class. It was a small seminar class with fewer than 20 people and so we all got to know each other really well. Kathleen always just seemed to have it together. Into the spring she was still having a great time with her sorority experience, and I was still trying to “find myself” at college. I liked my dorm, enjoyed classes, but felt that I was missing something. My friendship with Kathleen was an increasingly valuable part of my experience my freshman year even when I doubted if college was really for me. Fast forward to the summer and I kept in touch with Kathleen and became even closer even though we both moved back home which meant we were more than a few hours driving distance away. When we came back to campus in the fall, Kathleen and I were like twins, we tended to dress alike without realizing it and had so many of the same interests and likes. She really was like an older sister to me when I was in actuality the oldest in my family so never had that relationship.

It was only natural the next fall, as recruitment began, for Kathleen to ask me to attend some Delta Zeta events. At first it was lunch with some friends, then ice cream after a football game, then finally she popped the big question- did I want to come up to the chapter room for a craft event? Whoa! Wait a minute – this was taking our relationship to the next level. I considered Kathleen my best friend, someone I looked up to and had learned from in the past year. But could I be her sister? I guess the answer was yes! That fall I took the chance and joined Delta Zeta because of Kathleen. She was someone who I admired and tried to emulate before we were even sorority sisters. It was her influence that helped me fit in my first year at school and then find a home in Delta Zeta. Not only was Kathleen my friend and mentor, she was now my Delta Zeta Big Sister.

Who is your Delta Zeta Big Sis? Is it someone who recruited you? Did you make a connection after you joined the sorority? Or is it someone you’ve known forever and now being sisters completes that circle? Tell us about your story by leaving a comment below!

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