Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tips for the chapter webmaster

Whether you use Delta Zeta’s website editor tool or another content management system, every chapter webmaster should have a plan for her chapter’s web presence. Gone are the days when you could throw up a calendar and email address on a website and call it done. The chapter’s website is an extension of itself. What do you want your chapter to be known for? What does the public side of your chapter look like? If I was a parent/administrator/potential member could I find what I needed easily on your site? Here are five quick tips to keep in mind when managing your chapter’s web presence.

1. Website vs. social media. We have a Facebook page so why do we need a website? The same could be said for any other social media pages and accounts. But, your website is the center of your web presence. Use the other sites to link to content on your own Delta Zeta website. Remember, as members of Delta Zeta we communicate with people who span the generations. Those alumnae not on Facebook still want to hear what the chapter is up to and if you don’t have a place for them to see it we lose a valuable connection.

2. Less is more. Text that is. Use less of it to tell your story. If you cannot tell your audience what they need to know about your chapter in a paragraph, you need to rethink your story.

3. Show us, don’t tell us. When cutting down on words, consider the photographs or pictures your site uses. You can tell a story just as effectively with photos.

4. Protect privacy. It might seem archaic in this day and age to have to address personal privacy. But, Delta Zeta has a website policy which specifically outlines what you can and cannot post on your chapter site. Anyone with experience in personal safety will agree, protecting your member’s privacy is a good thing.

5. Be creative. Find uses for different content on your website. Perhaps you have a great video, why not use a video plug in to share it? Have a member who is studying graphic design? Why not let her use the skills she is acquiring to give your site a facelift. Or what about new uses for old tools? What can you do differently to refresh the look and feel of your site?

We want to hear from you – if you are a chapter webmaster what tip would you share with other Delta Zeta members in the same position? Share below or via email at webmaster@dzshq.com.

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