Friday, February 10, 2012

Working with your Campus Panhellenic

Guest Blogger Lynnda Wolf Hoefler, Delta Zeta National Panhellenic Conference Delegate

The relationship you have with your Campus Panhellenic is one of the most important that you have in Delta Zeta. Delta Zeta is a member of the National Panhellenic Conference or NPC. It is composed of 26 women’s fraternities. Panhellenic means “all Greek women”.

Each of the women’s fraternities remains autonomous as a Greek-letter society and has what are known as “sovereign rights.” The purpose of their association through the NPC is to foster relationships between the women’s fraternities, assist collegiate chapters of the NPC member groups, and to partner with colleges and universities in maintaining the highest scholastic and social standards.

Where two or more NPC groups exist, they form the campus’ College Panhellenic Association that is undoubtedly the largest women’s organization on the campus. The purpose of your College Panhellenic is to develop and maintain interfraternal relations through all-sorority programming efforts on campus. The College Panhellenic Council is the local governing body and is composed of one or more chapter representatives from each member group. Local sororities may also participate in the Panhellenic as Associate members. As a member of Delta Zeta, you are a member of the College Panhellenic Association and have an important role in advancing its mission. Perhaps you take part in philanthropy projects coordinated by the Panhellenic Council, wear your badge on International Badge Day (coming up on March 5th) or maybe attend a program sponsored by the Panhellenic. There are many ways that an individual member of Delta Zeta can become involved on her campus.

One of the most important ways to work with your College Panhellenic is to consider holding an Executive Board office. Delta Zeta encourages our members to seek leadership roles in this important campus organization. The College Panhellenic Council executive officers are representatives from each women’s fraternity on campus. These women are chosen through a selection process to lead the College Panhellenic. Each executive officer is responsible for a particular area of the College Panhellenic’s business and any committees that fall under her office.

The College Panhellenic executive officer selection process may include rotation, election or an election/rotation combination to provide successful leadership, and the equitable and fair representation of NPC member groups. Having the opportunity to serve on this important board is an exciting and unique leadership opportunity for our sorority.

All Delta Zeta chapters should elect or appoint a College Panhellenic Delegate who will attend the meetings and be our chapter’s voice and vote. A Panhellenic Delegate should be knowledgeable about Panhellenic issues on campus and communicate clearly between her chapter and its advisors, the Fraternity/Sorority or Panhellenic Advisor and the College Panhellenic. She should be familiar with the the governing documents of the Association, the NPC Unanimous Agreements and Manual of Information, campus recruitment rules, Codes of Ethics, and special agreements/relationship statements with the university regarding housing and awards programs. The role of the Panhellenic Delegate and Executive Board officers are very important. Delta Zetas must be active participants, well informed about policies and procedures and who take seriously the role of representing Delta Zeta in this important association. They must be fair minded and work for the benefit of the whole. Chapters that break the agreements of trust in their College Panhellenic Association violate the principals upon which all of us were founded.

NPC assigns Area Advisors to support both the collegiate and alumnae Panhellenics across the nation. Do not be afraid to reach out to this valuable resource for guidance regarding Panhellenic matters. The Delta Zeta NPC delegation is another important resource for Delta Zeta chapters when making decisions about opening the campus for a new chapter, changes to recruitment schedules or rules, regarding housing changes on the campus or when asked to sign standards agreements or relationship statements with the college or university. The national organization needs to know and wants to assist you with these most important decisions.

Fraternalism, and those who believe in it, have made it possible for this volunteer alliance of distinct inter/national organizations to remain unified and thriving for well over 100 years. We grow stronger working together than we ever could alone forging our own paths. Those of us serving in the Panhellenic world today still stand for the protection, perpetuation and growth of the finest ideals of women’s friendship. Be proud to be a Delta Zeta and a part of a very special Panhellenic sisterhood. Standing strong and working together we can make a difference for not only members of our organizations but as a voice for women everywhere.

For more information on the National Panhellenic Conference, please visit their website at Delta Zeta has resources for our members involved in their College Panhellenic in Metro – Chapter Officer Resources – Collegiate Resources and members of the Delta Zeta NPC Delegation can be found in the National Directory.

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