Friday, December 16, 2011

Winter Tips from MJ Insurance

Delta Zeta’s insurance company, MJ Insurance’s Sorority Division, provides today’s blog post on winter house reminders and other safety tips. You can view their original newsletter here and always contact them at or follow them on Twitter at @mjsorority.

Cold Weather Safety Reminders
Essential measures to minimize the risk of a freeze or water damage loss
  • Make sure all hoses are removed from exterior water spigots/faucets
  • Keep furnace on and thermostat set at or above 68 degrees
  • Drain water lines in lawn sprinkler system where appropriate
  • Inspect windows and repair all broken glass
  • Place additional insulation on exterior walls and windows
  • Insulate exterior doors appropriately, and assure all close and latch completely
  • Attach and secure downspouts with extension from foundation, not draining onto the driveway, sidewalks, or patios and fully displace water from walking areas
During periods of extreme colder temperatures
  • Leave the doors to cabinets that contain water lines open, this will allow heat to enter the area and help prevent freeze
  • Open the indoor faucets slightly to allow water to trickle as moving water does not freeze as easily
Additional safety measures during colder months
Clear all necessary snow and ice from sidewalks, fire escapes, and walkways which may result in a slip and fall hazard.

Winter Safety Tips
The most common types of injuries sustained by workers during the winter months are slips, trips and falls due to snowy or icy conditions in and around the workplace. Here are some ways to protect yourself:
• Wear slip-resistant, insulated footwear and mittens instead of gloves.
• If you can't avoid walking on snow or ice, walk like a penguin. Take short, shuffling steps and walk as flatfooted as possible.
• Avoid walking too fast, running, quickly changing direction or coming to a sudden stop on slippery surfaces.
• Avoid horseplay or other distractions.
• Avoid carrying materials that obstruct vision.
• Keep hands out of pockets while walking to protect yourself if you fall.
• Be extra careful on ladders, maintenance stands and stairways.
• Do not wear sunglasses in low-light areas.
• Use handrails at all times.
Excerpted from Pinnacol Assurance (

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